
How to apply for a licence to perform stage hypnotism

Any exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism (as defined in the Hypnotism Act 1952) on any person requires express written consent of the Licensing Authority and must comply with a number of conditions.

Meaning of Hypnotism

Hypnotism includes hypnotism, mesmerism and any similar act or process which produces or is intended to produce in any person any form of induced sleep or trance in which the susceptibility of the mind of that person to suggestion or direction is increased or intended to be increased. It does not include hypnotism, mesmerism or any such similar act or process which is self-induced.


To obtain a consent you:

  • Must be competent in the inducement and reversal of a state of hypnosis.
  • Cannot use any one under the age of 18 in an act.
  • Must not direct people to behave in an:
  • Obscene, indecent, offensive or aggressive manner; or
  • Demeaning way that is unacceptable to the common person
  • Must fully reverse the hypnotic state when the performance is over.

No poster, advertisement or programme for the performance which is likely to cause public offence shall be displayed, sold or supplied, by or on behalf of the licensee either at the premises or elsewhere.

How to apply for Hypnotism consent

You need to apply for consent in writing. It must be signed by the applicant or his agent.

You must:

  • apply at least 28 days before your performance (unless you have staged hypnotism at the same venue within the past 3 years without incident)
  • give details of your last 3 performances (when and where)
  • tell the council about any previous refusals of a hypnotism permit or convictions related to staged hypnotism
  • ensure that the premises where hypnotism will take place holds a premises license or a club premises certificate.
  • hold public liability insurance if the venue's insurance doesn't cover your performance

Please make sure you've read the Hypnotism Conditions (Word doc, 67 KB) before you apply. 

Once you've completed the application form, please email it to licensing@fenland.gov.uk. Alternatively post it to the Licensing Team at Fenland District Council, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ. 

The Licensing Authority will normally respond to your application within 7-14 days.

The Licensing Authority will notify Cambridgeshire Police of any planned performance to which a consent is granted.

Application fee

The fee for a hypnotism permit is £75.00 per performance. 

If you perform without a licence

You could be fined up to £1000 if you stage hypnotism for entertainment purposes without a licence or break any of the conditions on your permit.

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