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Premises Licence

A premise licence is a permanent licence for a specific location

To provide the activity of late-night refreshment, regulated entertainment and sale of alcohol you will require a licence from the local authority where the premises is registered. The link below will provide you a summary of the regulations.

Alcohol Licensing - GOV.UK

To apply please select the relevant licence type:

New Premises Licence 

Licensable Activities

  • Selling alcohol by retail by any means. This includes selling tickets for a function and offering free drinks as part of an event
  • Selling alcohol by, or on behalf of, a club. This only applies to club premises
  • Providing 'regulated entertainments'. This includes:
    • a performance of a play
    • an exhibition of a film
    • an indoor sporting event
    • boxing or wresting entertainment
    • live music
    • dance performance
    • playing recorded music
  • Providing late night refreshment. This is defined as serving hot food and drinks (above room temperature) between 11pm and 5am. Hotels are exempt under Schedule 2 of the Licensing Act 2003

A premises licence can be applied for both indoors and outdoors and on any place including:

  • A building
  • An open space
  • A vehicle
  • A moveable structure

Who can apply

Any person (aged 18 or over) with a business which involves licensable activities can apply for a premises licence. You can apply for a permanent or time limited licence.

An applicant can be:

  • An individual
  • A business 
  • A partnership
  • A charity
  • A hospital
  • A school

If applying as an individual you must provide your correct right to work documents

Right to Work

The Immigration (Restrictions on Employment and Residential Accommodation) (Prescribed Requirements and Codes of Practice) and Licensing Act 2003 (Personal and Premises Licences) (Forms) Order 2021

Due to recent changes to the application process made by central government applicants must now provide evidence of their right to work in the UK. As well as giving extra details on the application form(s), applicants must provide extra documentation with their application. We cannot process your application until you have done this.

You can view the document requirements on the GOV.UK website and also on the Right to Work Checklist (PDF, 105 KB)

Application fees

Please pay the correct fee with your application. This depends on the non-domestic rateable value of your business. Find and check your business rates valuation online at GOV.UK.

Application fees for a premises licences are a one-off payment. If you are applying for a large venue licence with a capacity of over 5000 people please contact before applying.

Rateable Value


Application fee

No rateable value to £4,300



£4,301 to £33,000



£33,001 to £87,000



£87,001 to £125,000



£125,001 and above



New Premises or Variation (Under Construction)

  • New - £315
  • Annual - £295

Capacity multiplier fees

Capacity over 5000Additional application feeAdditional annual fee
5000 to 9999£1,000£500
10000 to 14999£2,000£1,000
15000 to 19999£4,000£2,000
20000 to 29999£8,000£4,000
30000 to 39999£16,000£8,000
40000 to 49999£24,000£12,000
50000 to 59999£40,000£16,000
60000 to 69999£42,000£20,000

Length of a Premises Licence

A premise licence will remain in force until it is surrendered by the holder or revoked following a review of the licence.

A premises licence can also lapse if the holder of the licence:

  • Dies
  • Becomes mentally incapable
  • Becomes insolvent or until the business dissolves

If this situation occurs please apply for an Interim Authority Notice.

Document Checklist

Before submitting your application please ensure you have the relevant documents and they are ready to be uploaded during the next stage:

1. A Plan of the Premises -Your plans do not need to be professionally drawn. However please submit in the following format:

  • The plan should be drawn in a standard scale (unless agreed otherwise with your Licensing Officer). 1 millimetre should represent 100 millimetres
  • You can use symbols to show information
  • You don't need to show areas that aren't part of the premises you are licensing
  • You should describe areas you intend to provide for people to drink alcohol sold or supplied by you

The plan must show:

  • The building boundary (and the premises perimeter, if different). If relevant, show external and internal walls of the building 
  • Access and egress points, including any other escape routes
  • Fixed structures (including furniture) or similar that may impact on people using exit or escape routes
  • The location and height of any stages or raised areas (from the floor)
  • Where each licensable activity will take place (if more than one)
  • Steps, stairs, elevators or lifts
  • The location of public toilets
  • The location and type of fire safety and other safety equipment
  • The location of the kitchen (if applicable)

2. Consent form for the Specified DPS (Word doc, 39 KB)

3. Right to Work documents or the 9- digit share code for verifying using the Home Office online checking service

How to Apply

Once you are ready to apply, please click on the link below. This will then take you through the application process and pay the relevant fee.

You may also wish to refer to the guidance notes (Word doc, 60 KB) for this application.

Apply online for a Premises Licence 

Advertising your application

As part of the application process you must advertise in two ways:

  1. Place a public notice in a local advertised newspaper, on one occasion, within 10 working days of the application being submitted. The licence applicant must pay the cost of the advert
  2. Display a statutory at your premises, it must be easily viewed from the outside. You can download a Public Notice Template (Word doc, 28 KB) which must be printed on blue paper. This must be displayed continuously for 28 days from the day after the application was submitted.

Consultation Process

On the day after an application is received, a 28 day consultation period begins allowing comments or 'representations' to be made about the application by the responsible authorities and any local residents or 'interested parties'. During this time, the responsible authorities will work with you to ensure your proposals are in line with the four licensing objectives.

If no comments are received during this period, the application will be deemed granted after the last date for representations and your licence will be issued and sent to you.

If relevant representations are received within the 28 day consultation period, we will attempt to mediate between the parties to try and find a suitable solution. If the mediation is unsuccessful then a public hearing must be held to determine your application. You will be notified advising you when the hearing will be, who has made a representation and what the concerns are.

The public hearing will be held within 20 working days after the last date for representation. The hearing date may be extended if we consider it is in the public interest to do so.

When you make an application, the details of the application will be published on our website and the information on any licence granted will be included in a public register.

Annual licence fees

Once a licence has been granted, an annual fee is payable each year on the anniversary of the date the licence was granted. An invoice for this will be sent to the Premises Licence Holder.

The amount must be paid in full. Failure to pay will mean your premises licence is suspended and no licensable activities can continue. 

Fees for premises licences are:

  • Band A - £70
  • Band B - £180
  • Band C - £295
  • Band D - £320
  • Band E - £350

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