Temporary Event Notice (TEN)

You need a Temporary Event Notice to carry out a 'licensable activity' in unlicensed premises

A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) is a notice of the intention to carry out licensable activities in:

  • unlicensed premises; or
  • licensed premises for activities or operating times not covered by the premises licence

Fenland District Council is the licensing authority for TENs in the Fenland District.

A TEN may be needed when:

  • alcohol is served to individuals or members of a private club
  • entertainment is provided (e.g music, dancing, indoor sports events)
  • hot food is served between 11pm and 5am
  • an activity isn't covered by an existing licence (e.g a wedding reception in a community centre)

Types of TEN

There are two types of TEN: standard and late.

Standard TENs must be received at least 10 working days before the scheduled event.

Late TENs must be received between 9 working days and 5 working days before the scheduled event.

These timescales cannot count the day of submission or the event. 

There are limits to a TEN:

  • the maximum number of people attending (including staff) must not exceed 499 at any one time
  • the maximum number of TENs per premises is 15 per calendar year but must be a maximum duration of 21 days
  • For 2022 and 2023 the maximum number of TENs per premises has been increased to 20 per calander year and a maximum duration of 26 days
  • the maximum length of a TEN is 168 hours (7 days)
  • personal licence holder can submit up to 50 TENs. This includes 10 late TENs
  • people aged 18 or over can submit up to 5 TENs. This includes 2 late TENs

How to Apply

Online Application

Once you are ready to apply, please click on the link below. This will then take you through the application process and allow you to pay the fee of £21.

You may also wish to refer to the guidance notes (Word doc, 36 KB) for this application.

 Apply online for a Temporary Event Notice 

Paper Application
If you submit via a paper application (Word doc, 60 KB) it is your responsibility to ensure that a copy is served on the below persons:

  • 2 copies of your application form to the Licensing team (Fenland Hall, County Road, March, PE15 8NQ)
  • 1 copy to the Environmental Health team (same address as above)
  • 1 copy to the Police (Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Licensing Officer, Partnership & Operational Support Team, Licensing & Events Planning, Thorpewood Police Station, Peterborough, PE3 6SD)

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