Report an issue that is affecting you
- Abandoned vehicle
- Anti-social behaviour
- Breach of planning rules (planning enforcement)
- Broken glass
- Change of address - Council Tax or Benefits
- Change of address - Garden Waste subscription
- Change of circumstances - Council Tax support or Housing Benefit claimants
- Death notification
- Dog fouling
- Fly-tipping
- Food problem
- Graffiti
- Housing problems (rented properties)
- Light problem
- Litter and Litter bins
- Lost or stray dog
- Missed bin
- Mooring issues
- Needles or syringes on public land
- Noise problem
- Other waste
- Parks or Open Spaces problem
- Smell problem
- Smoke problem
- Street furniture problem
- Street light fault
- Street that needs sweeping
- Unlicensed HMO (House of Multiple Occupation)
Other issues you may want to report and where to report them
- Abandoned animals and unwanted pets (RSPCA)
- Adult social care (Cambridgeshire County Council)
- Blocked drains (depends on who owns the property and where the blockage is)
- Blue Badge enquiries (Cambridgeshire County Council)
- Bus passes (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority)
- Fallen trees in the road (Cambridgeshire County Council Highways)
- Flooded road (Cambridgeshire County Council Highways)
- Pot holes (Cambridgeshire County Council Highways)
- Power cut (UK Power Networks)
- Social housing (Clarion Housing)